
What we offer you with our service

– Detection of presences and absences;
– Performance survey;
– Preparation of payslips for employees, for all sectors;
– Form F24 for monthly payments relating to personnel;
– Preparation and submission of the various complaints through the appropriate online channels;
– Repairs;
– Report on a monthly basis of personnel costs, made on the specific needs of the customer (useful for charging the cost in accounting);
– Vacation and leave management;
– Preparation of files for the payment of salaries via online banking;
– Management of INAIL self-assessments, provision for severance pay, additional monthly accruals, holidays and permits;
– Annual IRAP report;
– CUD and 770 processing;
– Compilation of ISTAT statistical data; field studies.


– Support and coaching in the management of social security and tax disputes;
– Creation of preventive and consultative budgets of the human resources area at 360 °;
– Organizational consultancy on staff, roles, tasks and duties.
– Personnel cost analysis and optimization strategies;
– Support in analyzing the absenteeism rate and formulating strategies for its reduction;
– Support, assistance and coaching in the management of relations with staff and trade unions.


What we offer you with our service

– Detection of presences and absences;
– Performance survey;
– Preparation of payslips for employees, for all sectors;
– Form F24 for monthly payments relating to personnel;
– Preparation and submission of the various complaints through the appropriate online channels;
– Repairs;
– Report on a monthly basis of personnel costs, made on the specific needs of the customer (useful for charging the cost in accounting);
– Vacation and leave management;
– Preparation of files for the payment of salaries via online banking;
– Management of INAIL self-assessments, provision for severance pay, additional monthly accruals, holidays and permits;
– Annual IRAP report;
– CUD and 770 processing;
– Compilation of ISTAT statistical data; field studies.


– Support and coaching in the management of social security and tax disputes;
– Creation of preventive and consultative budgets of the human resources area at 360 °;
– Organizational consultancy on staff, roles, tasks and duties.
– Personnel cost analysis and optimization strategies;
– Support in analyzing the absenteeism rate and formulating strategies for its reduction;
– Support, assistance and coaching in the management of relations with staff and trade unions.


What we offer you with our service

– Detection of presences and absences;
– Performance survey;
– Preparation of payslips for employees, for all sectors;
– Form F24 for monthly payments relating to personnel;
– Preparation and submission of the various complaints through the appropriate online channels;
– Repairs;
– Report on a monthly basis of personnel costs, made on the specific needs of the customer (useful for charging the cost in accounting);
– Vacation and leave management;
– Preparation of files for the payment of salaries via online banking;
– Management of INAIL self-assessments, provision for severance pay, additional monthly accruals, holidays and permits;
– Annual IRAP report;
– CUD and 770 processing;
– Compilation of ISTAT statistical data; field studies.


– Support and coaching in the management of social security and tax disputes;
– Creation of preventive and consultative budgets of the human resources area at 360 °;
– Organizational consultancy on staff, roles, tasks and duties.
– Personnel cost analysis and optimization strategies;
– Support in analyzing the absenteeism rate and formulating strategies for its reduction;
– Support, assistance and coaching in the management of relations with staff and trade unions.

due diligence

Innovative and one of a kind! We simulate a real inspection. What would happen if...

The labor law Due Diligence aims to verify, through the collection and analysis of the necessary documentation and any interviews with employees, whether or not the entrepreneur subject to verification complies with the legislation on labor and social security and, therefore, to bring out any critical issues that may produce costs and decrease the value of the company.

Our appointee must verify the regularity of the existing employment relationships and in particular:

– correct application of the provisions of law and collective bargaining at national level and, if existing and applied, at territorial and company level;

– correctness of the payment of wages and their compliance with the individual contracts of each worker, the collective agreements applied and the service performed by the worker;

– the payment by the employer, as withholding agent, of personal income taxes and the payment of social security contributions, to be paid by the worker and the employer, and insurance premiums;

– pending disputes and, on the basis of the investigations carried out, carry out an assessment of potential disputes.

Thanks to the report and our support, the customer will receive a series of intervention proposals – feasible and achievable – and can decide to implement all or part of them, with the aim of making it simpler, more efficient and risk-free. litigation, its own management of human resources.

due diligence

Innovative and one of a kind! We simulate a real inspection. What would happen if...

The labor law Due Diligence aims to verify, through the collection and analysis of the necessary documentation and any interviews with employees, whether or not the entrepreneur subject to verification complies with the legislation on labor and social security and, therefore, to bring out any critical issues that may produce costs and decrease the value of the company.

Our appointee must verify the regularity of the existing employment relationships and in particular:
– correct application of the provisions of law and collective bargaining at national level and, if existing and applied, at territorial and company level;
– correctness of the payment of wages and their compliance with the individual contracts of each worker, the collective agreements applied and the service performed by the worker;
– the payment by the employer, as withholding agent, of personal income taxes and the payment of social security contributions, to be paid by the worker and the employer, and insurance premiums;
– pending disputes and, on the basis of the investigations carried out, carry out an assessment of potential disputes.

Thanks to the report and our support, the customer will receive a series of intervention proposals – feasible and achievable – and can decide to implement all or part of them, with the aim of making it simpler, more efficient and risk-free. litigation, its own management of human resources.

due diligence

Innovative and one of a kind! We simulate a real inspection. What would happen if...

The labor law Due Diligence aims to verify, through the collection and analysis of the necessary documentation and any interviews with employees, whether or not the entrepreneur subject to verification complies with the legislation on labor and social security and, therefore, to bring out any critical issues that may produce costs and decrease the value of the company.

Our appointee must verify the regularity of the existing employment relationships and in particular:
– correct application of the provisions of law and collective bargaining at national level and, if existing and applied, at territorial and company level;
– correctness of the payment of wages and their compliance with the individual contracts of each worker, the collective agreements applied and the service performed by the worker;
– the payment by the employer, as withholding agent, of personal income taxes and the payment of social security contributions, to be paid by the worker and the employer, and insurance premiums;
– pending disputes and, on the basis of the investigations carried out, carry out an assessment of potential disputes.

Thanks to the report and our support, the customer will receive a series of intervention proposals – feasible and achievable – and can decide to implement all or part of them, with the aim of making it simpler, more efficient and risk-free. litigation, its own management of human resources.


Revision of contracts, new trade union agreements and corporate welfare, revision of corporate costs

Our firm supports company management in the personnel cost analysis phase, creating cost restructuring plans through the review of existing contracts with employees and the possible preparation of individual agreements in the trade union or at the DTL.

The advice of our experts in the restructuring phase of personnel costs also takes place through the study and implementation of second-level company contracts or proximity contracts, as well as holiday disposal plans and in assistance and coaching in the various phases of request and use. social safety nets (CIG- Cigo – etc.)

The revision of the company organization chart is another tool that the firm offers its customers in the personnel restructuring phase.

The restructuring of personnel costs also involves the implementation of corporate welfare plans with the preparation of internal corporate welfare regulations or through a real agreement within the trade union.


Revision of contracts, new trade union agreements and corporate welfare, revision of corporate costs

Our firm supports company management in the personnel cost analysis phase, creating cost restructuring plans through the review of existing contracts with employees and the possible preparation of individual agreements in the trade union or at the DTL.

The advice of our experts in the restructuring phase of personnel costs also takes place through the study and implementation of second-level company contracts or proximity contracts, as well as holiday disposal plans and in assistance and coaching in the various phases of request and use. social safety nets (CIG- Cigo – etc.)

The revision of the company organization chart is another tool that the firm offers its customers in the personnel restructuring phase.

The restructuring of personnel costs also involves the implementation of corporate welfare plans with the preparation of internal corporate welfare regulations or through a real agreement within the trade union.


Revision of contracts, new trade union agreements and corporate welfare, revision of corporate costs

Our firm supports company management in the personnel cost analysis phase, creating cost restructuring plans through the review of existing contracts with employees and the possible preparation of individual agreements in the trade union or at the DTL.

The advice of our experts in the restructuring phase of personnel costs also takes place through the study and implementation of second-level company contracts or proximity contracts, as well as holiday disposal plans and in assistance and coaching in the various phases of request and use. social safety nets (CIG- Cigo – etc.)

The revision of the company organization chart is another tool that the firm offers its customers in the personnel restructuring phase.

The restructuring of personnel costs also involves the implementation of corporate welfare plans with the preparation of internal corporate welfare regulations or through a real agreement within the trade union.

labour consultancy

Rules, contracts, sentences, rulings. Can't find your way through this jungle? We do it for you.

– Calculations for wage differences, compensation for damage, revaluation and interest on behalf of individuals, companies and law firms;
– Drafting of transaction documents;
– Trade union conciliations and arbitration;
– Partial Technical Consultancy Assignments;
– On-site assistance in case of inspection visits;
– Assistance and verification of compliance in the case of internal management of payroll processing – periodic or thematic check-ups;
– Pension analysis of the individual position and elaboration of a pension plan;
– Management of labor disputes;
– Consultancy in the use of social harmonizers (CIG, CIGS, etc.);
– Advice on individual and collective dismissals;
– Requirements relating to mandatory placement;
– Management of issues relating to the employment relationship, in particular with regard to the disciplinary aspect;
– Consultancy for the certification of employment contracts (to be signed with the competent bodies);
– Consultancy in the drafting of subordinate, para-subordinate and self-employed employment contracts;
– Advice on the drafting of second-level company agreements;
– Study and consultancy relating to the most appropriate types of contracts.

labour consultancy

Rules, contracts, sentences, rulings. Can't find your way through this jungle? We do it for you.

– Calculations for wage differences, compensation for damage, revaluation and interest on behalf of individuals, companies and law firms;
– Drafting of transaction documents;
– Trade union conciliations and arbitration;
– Partial Technical Consultancy Assignments;
– On-site assistance in case of inspection visits;
– Assistance and verification of compliance in the case of internal management of payroll processing – periodic or thematic check-ups;
– Pension analysis of the individual position and elaboration of a pension plan;
– Management of labor disputes;
– Consultancy in the use of social harmonizers (CIG, CIGS, etc.);
– Advice on individual and collective dismissals;
– Requirements relating to mandatory placement;
– Management of issues relating to the employment relationship, in particular with regard to the disciplinary aspect;
– Consultancy for the certification of employment contracts (to be signed with the competent bodies);
– Consultancy in the drafting of subordinate, para-subordinate and self-employed employment contracts;
– Advice on the drafting of second-level company agreements;
– Study and consultancy relating to the most appropriate types of contracts.

labour consultancy

Rules, contracts, sentences, rulings. Can't find your way through this jungle? We do it for you.

– Calculations for wage differences, compensation for damage, revaluation and interest on behalf of individuals, companies and law firms;
– Drafting of transaction documents;
– Trade union conciliations and arbitration;
– Partial Technical Consultancy Assignments;
– On-site assistance in case of inspection visits;
– Assistance and verification of compliance in the case of internal management of payroll processing – periodic or thematic check-ups;
– Pension analysis of the individual position and elaboration of a pension plan;
– Management of labor disputes;
– Consultancy in the use of social harmonizers (CIG, CIGS, etc.);
– Advice on individual and collective dismissals;
– Requirements relating to mandatory placement;
– Management of issues relating to the employment relationship, in particular with regard to the disciplinary aspect;
– Consultancy for the certification of employment contracts (to be signed with the competent bodies);
– Consultancy in the drafting of subordinate, para-subordinate and self-employed employment contracts;
– Advice on the drafting of second-level company agreements;
– Study and consultancy relating to the most appropriate types of contracts.

outsourcing pro

Outsourcing means outsourcing all activities related to personnel management

The advantages:

– Reliability of a partner with high competence and specialization;
– Solution flexibility;
– Lightening of corporate offices and recovery of internal efficiency;
– Cost reduction;
– Greater focus on value-generating activities.

OutsourcingPRO will allow you to access the best skills, technologies and methods in personnel management, at certain and “variable” costs, worrying only about the results. We will take care of the rest. “We will be your personnel department”.

Personnel outsourcing is carried out through the provision of the services of:

– Work advice.
– Personnel administration and management.
– Payroll and contribution processing.

outsourcing pro

Outsourcing means outsourcing all activities related to personnel management

The advantages:
– Reliability of a partner with high competence and specialization;
– Solution flexibility;
– Lightening of corporate offices and recovery of internal efficiency;
– Cost reduction;
– Greater focus on value-generating activities.

Outsourcing Pro will allow you to access the best skills, technologies and methods in personnel management, at certain and “variable” costs, worrying only about the results. We will take care of the rest. “We will be your personnel department”.

Personnel outsourcing is carried out through the provision of the services of:
–  labour consultancy
– Personnel administration and management.
– Payroll and contribution processing.

outsourcing pro

Outsourcing means outsourcing all activities related to personnel management

The advantages:
– Reliability of a partner with high competence and specialization;
– Solution flexibility;
– Lightening of corporate offices and recovery of internal efficiency;
– Cost reduction;
– Greater focus on value-generating activities.

Outsourcing Pro will allow you to access the best skills, technologies and methods in personnel management, at certain and “variable” costs, worrying only about the results. We will take care of the rest. “We will be your personnel department”.

Personnel outsourcing is carried out through the provision of the services of:
–  labour consultancy
– Personnel administration and management.
– Payroll and contribution processing.


An ad hoc intervention plan to increase productivity, efficiency and well-being of workers

Corporate Welfare is defined as the coordinated and structured set of initiatives with which companies take care of the needs of their employees and their families, granting benefits and facilities not in cash, but in the form of goods and services. Companies can take charge of the needs of their employees and their families, thus taking on a subsidiary integration function with a social value as well. Function whose value is also recognized by the State, which therefore allows, while still within the limits set by law, the tax exemption of any services provided by the company.

The reference legislation is the T.U.I.R. Italian law (Consolidated Law on Income Taxes) in art. 51 and Art. 100 paragraph 1 which identify the benefits and their tax treatment.

The main areas of intervention:

– Benefits which essentially have a social security and welfare nature;
– Goods / services the employee can use immediately even outside the workplace;
– Work Life Balance: elements that favor a greater balance between work and personal life

Why a welfare plan?

– Benefit from tax and social security benefits for both the employee and the company;
– Optimize the costs of incentive policies;
– Increase productivity and efficiency;
– Promote the well-being of employees by also supporting their purchasing power;
– Motivate workers, satisfying their personal and family needs;
– Promote the reconciliation of family / work times.

Why rely on Studio Associato Acerbi

– Proven professionalism;
In-depth knowledge of the institute’s regulatory standards;
Network that allows economies of scale;
– A taylor-made plan, tailored to your reality.

corporate Welfare

An ad hoc intervention plan to increase productivity, efficiency and well-being of workers

Corporate Welfare is defined as the coordinated and structured set of initiatives with which companies take care of the needs of their employees and their families, granting benefits and facilities not in cash, but in the form of goods and services. Companies can take charge of the needs of their employees and their families, thus taking on a subsidiary integration function with a social value as well. Function whose value is also recognized by the State, which therefore allows, while still within the limits set by law, the tax exemption of any services provided by the company.

The reference legislation is the T.U.I.R. Italian law (Consolidated Law on Income Taxes) in art. 51 and Art. 100 paragraph 1 which identify the benefits and their tax treatment.

The main areas of intervention:

– Benefits which essentially have a social security and welfare nature;
– Goods / services the employee can use immediately even outside the workplace;
– Work Life Balance: elements that favor a greater balance between work and personal life

Why a welfare plan?

– Benefit from tax and social security benefits for both the employee and the company;
– Optimize the costs of incentive policies;
– Increase productivity and efficiency;
– Promote the well-being of employees by also supporting their purchasing power;
– Motivate workers, satisfying their personal and family needs;
– Promote the reconciliation of family / work times.

Why rely on Studio Associato Acerbi?

– Proven professionalism;
– In-depth knowledge of the institute’s regulatory standards;
– Network that allows economies of scale;
– A taylor-made plan, tailored to your reality.

corporate Welfare

An ad hoc intervention plan to increase productivity, efficiency and well-being of workers

Corporate Welfare is defined as the coordinated and structured set of initiatives with which companies take care of the needs of their employees and their families, granting benefits and facilities not in cash, but in the form of goods and services. Companies can take charge of the needs of their employees and their families, thus taking on a subsidiary integration function with a social value as well. Function whose value is also recognized by the State, which therefore allows, while still within the limits set by law, the tax exemption of any services provided by the company.

The reference legislation is the T.U.I.R. Italian law (Consolidated Law on Income Taxes) in art. 51 and Art. 100 paragraph 1 which identify the benefits and their tax treatment.

The main areas of intervention:

– Benefits which essentially have a social security and welfare nature;
– Goods / services the employee can use immediately even outside the workplace;
– Work Life Balance: elements that favor a greater balance between work and personal life

Why a welfare plan?

– Benefit from tax and social security benefits for both the employee and the company;

– Optimize the costs of incentive policies;

– Increase productivity and efficiency;

– Promote the well-being of employees by also supporting their purchasing power;
– Motivate workers, satisfying their personal and family needs;
– Promote the reconciliation of family / work times.

Why rely on Studio Associato Acerbi?

– Proven professionalism;
– In-depth knowledge of the institute’s regulatory standards;
– Network that allows economies of scale;
– A taylor-made plan, tailored to your reality.


In partnership with Formapp

Studio Associato Acerbi has created a partnership with Form-App, the in-company training division of La Risorsa Umana Job Center Group.

Form-App delivers a type of training tailored to the client company at the company’s headquarters.

Thanks to this new collaboration, Studio Associato Acerbi takes care of all training in the business environment:

-training courses for apprentices;
– courses for employees and employers
– FAD courses and compulsory safety courses

In addition, we also offer the opportunity to finance training through inter-professional funds.

Studio Associato Acerbi and FORM-APP together can be closer to their customers and partners.


In partnership with Formapp

Studio Associato Acerbi has created a partnership with Form-App, the in-company training division of La Risorsa Umana Job Center Group.

Form-App delivers a type of training tailored to the client company at the company’s headquarters.

Thanks to this new collaboration, Studio Associato Acerbi takes care of all training in the business environment:
– training courses for apprentices;
– courses for employees and employers
– FAD courses and compulsory safety courses

In addition, we also offer the opportunity to finance training through inter-professional funds.

Studio Associato Acerbi and FORM-APP together can be closer to their customers and partners.


In partnership with Formapp

Studio Associato Acerbi has created a partnership with Form-App, the in-company training division of La Risorsa Umana Job Center Group.

Form-App delivers a type of training tailored to the client company at the company’s headquarters.

Thanks to this new collaboration, Studio Associato Acerbi takes care of all training in the business environment:
– training courses for apprentices;
– courses for employees and employers
– FAD courses and compulsory safety courses

In addition, we also offer the opportunity to finance training through inter-professional funds.

Studio Associato Acerbi and FORM-APP together can be closer to their customers and partners.